All You Need to Know About Advanced Orthodontics

orthodontic specialists in Ernakulam

For several hundred years, society has placed much value on straight, healthy, and pearly white teeth. Because of this, many kinds of medical experts have created safer, more stylish, and effective techniques in tooth care called orthodontics. The field of dentistry which corrects misaligned teeth and jaw is referred to as orthodontics. An extension to …

For several hundred years, society has placed much value on straight, healthy, and pearly white teeth. Because of this, many kinds of medical experts have created safer, more stylish, and effective techniques in tooth care called orthodontics.

The field of dentistry which corrects misaligned teeth and jaw is referred to as orthodontics. An extension to this is Advanced orthodontics which concentrates on faster, more comfortable, and cutting-edge technology.

Advanced orthodontics

Most of us like to upgrade the technology of our devices. This applies to the field of orthodontics also. This field is marked by features like:

  • Options for treatment

In the first place, orthodontics no longer revolves around metal braces with one-size-fits-all qualities. Options have progressed tremendously, and currently, you can enjoy less noticeable, more effective, and highly customized options.

The braces of today are created out of fresh materials. For instance, ceramic braces have a clear nature that matches the shades of your natural teeth for the sake of looking less conspicuous.

Another good news is that you are not limited to braces as the only option to correct misaligned teeth. Aligning tools like Invisalign make use of clear trays of alignment to help in straightening teeth in a way that doesn’t impact your routine of eating or habits of oral hygiene.

  • Flexible plans for payments

One of the main reasons why you dread traditional brace technology for correcting teeth is that its cost is mostly prohibitive. But no longer do you have to worry about finances for gaining a beautiful smile. Because of the progress in technology, there is a choice of a wide range of orthodontic treatments and flexible options for payment.

  • The complete package

Advanced orthodontics considers the whole treatment plan. With regard to your first consultation, you will learn about treatment costs and options. One can also know the prognosis of the condition of your teeth. Even it is possible to preview the impact of treatment using modern imaging technology. This package is provided by orthodontic specialists in Ernakulam.

  • Personalized treatment plan

No two smiles are equal. Hence in advanced orthodontics, the dentist delivers highly personised plans of treatment using cutting-edge technology. For example, he offers precise scanning that ensures effective results within the unique plan of treatment. No longer will you have to deal with messy impressions and metal braces with wires and brackets.

Instead, advanced scanning technology can help in taking better images of your teeth. Advanced orthodontics also uses 3D imaging for gaining high-resolution images of your jaw and teeth. It is a fast procedure that offers a more accurate dental treatment.

Why orthodontics?

The main reason why people consult orthodontists is to straighten their teeth. But overcrowded teeth or those with overbite or underbite can cause gingivitis, cavities, and tooth damage. They may be harder to clean and cause problems with talking and chewing.

Traditionally, straightening and correcting teeth could be done only with metal braces. But with progress in advanced orthodontics, Invisalign technology was introduced in the 1990s, and today there are many options of such discrete and comfortable braces.

Though orthodontics is mainly concerned with the aesthetics of teeth, they treat a wide range of issues for oral health. Often, misaligned teeth cause stress to your chewing muscles that can result in back, neck, and shoulder pain.

In sum, in contrast to the past, modern dental professionals have a variety of tools to treat dental problems. From clear aligners to 3 D imaging, advanced orthodontics can customize a treatment plan for each patient.

Dr Meera Prashant
Dr Meera Prashant

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